We all know that the reviews are important for app developers to analyze users’ intentions and attitudes. Although you can not do it in App Store; in Google Play, app owners also can interact with users thanks to the reviews. It is not wrong to say that reviews give us some impressions outputs about users’ perception of the app.
Therefore, reviews are important for user relationships. Well, have you ever thought that the reviews can help you for your keyword analysis as well? To explain it firstly, we want to mention the importance of keyword analysis. Keywords represent “what people talk about” and “how people find” our app. When ASO is processed, finding the right keywords that people use to find your app is the first step. You can read some our blog posts like How to Find Right Keywords for Your App and How To Use Long Tail Keywords in ASO to get important tips about keyword selection.
We used the “what people talk” statement. When we do keyword analysis and selection, the main point is to catch the spoken language. Because people search as they speak. Then, we arrived at the topic of today. The relationship between reviews and keywords!
The role of the reviews is perceived as only conveying the comments about bugs and successes. Maybe we should think simpler. People use the same language, same words, and same keyboards to search the apps in app stores and write their reviews. Let’s make it more tangible. Before releasing your app, you select your keywords. But now -by virtue of reviews- you can reselect and update your keywords besides fixing the bugs.
Shall we say our keyword pool is X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E and it lines up from highest rank to lowest? After reviews, you have H, Q, Z, A, B, T, M. It looks interesting, doesn’t it? It means that we give importance to X, Y as keywords at the highest level but people didn’t use them in their reviews about the app. Then, a new keyword pool emerges which includes Z, A, B, H, Q. As you can see, it is an intersection set with its new own order of priority.
Theoretically, this situation is related to feelings and perceptions which are aroused in people. Although they could take part very different selected keywords in description, people speak and use different words about this app. We can analyze it from reviews the best. The table below shows the keywords that are used in users’ reviews about the Facebook app. We can see the “friends” word in Facebook’s keyword spot. Then, the app owner should refocus on this keyword to give more priority and density to it.
There are no “love” and “like” words in the keyword spot or description to gain visibility, although users may write them in their reviews too much.
In conclusion, keywords and reviews of the app have a close relationship. Searching habits and writing reviews habits are at the same parallel in the usage of words. Because they are written by the same user and same speech logic, app owners should take advantage by paying attention to this connection and reorganizing their keywords pool accordingly.